We invite you all to send in pictures from Glenn's tours. Below are pictures we have been sent from friends around the world. Send your pictures to: webmaster@glennhughes.com or for even quicker delivery, go to the Submit Pix page! Whichever method you choose, this also confirms your agreement to ourTerms & Conditions.

[July 24, 2001]
Glenn Hughes and his friends in Voices of Classic Rock played some shows in Canada last week. We have got some pictures from this mini-tour.

First up is a batch of snaps from Lisa Eichholzer-Walker.

Glenn and JLT at Canadian Customs and Immigration awaiting their Work Visas for entrance into Canada.

Glenn with a picture of Lily, his and Gabrielle's new puppy.

Lane Hoppen, GH, JLT and Chuck Bürgi in the hotel lobby before the Fort Erie, Ontario gig.

Here's a bunch of shots by Jon Lamb from Michigan, USA, taken at the show in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Jon posted on the WWW board saying:

"I just got back from seeing Glenn perform with the Voices of Classic Rock in Windsor, Ontario (I live near Detroit) and it was a surprisingly entertaining show from start to finish. Glenn was incredible - he really stole the show his lead and backing vocals, bass playing, and energy on stage. Everytime Glenn sang, the audience (and his bandmates) were in awe. He sang "Space Truckin'" and "Mistreated" solo, and did some verses of "Smoke on the Water", "Hush", "Highway Star" and I think "Gimme Some Lovin'", too. He played killer bass the entire show and his b/vox were incredible. He was also very gracious to his fans (he had the most autograph seekers there), though he seem peeved about something after the show. Joe Lynn Turner and Pat Travers sounded great, too. In fact, everyone sounded pretty good. I was there to see Glenn, but ended up enjoying all the performances. I took about 40 pictures, so I'll try to send them to the website when I get them back. "

Jon (second from right) and his friends with Glenn!

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[ Another great place where you can check out loads of pix & video of Glenn's tours is in the Picture Gallery ]