06, Hell
Blues Festival, Trontheim, Norway
Thanks H & T for one of the best concerts I've been to in my life!
can't believe how cool and good a singer Glenn Hughes is. Totally
unbelievable! JLT was great too, but Glenn was the man, for me. He looked
very cool too, now with long hair again, and some bad-ass sun-glasses.
Looked totally mean, and was jumping and running around like a 16 year
all the time. I never thought he would be such a great front-man, I
more like a humble, slow 50 year old that you wouldn't notice if you
know who he was, but boy was I wrong. This guy acted like he was the
of the world! :o) JLT looked like a really nice, humble guy though,
just seemed to be thankful for the support from their fans.
set-list was fantastic, a perfect mix of old and new, and it was
really nice to hear songs like 7th Star, which was totally unexpected.
absolutely love the new songs they played, "Can't stop Rock'n 'Roll"
"Devil's Road", possibly the best songs they played that night.
The last
song they played was Highway Star, a very nice version. They
probably would have played Burn too, if it hadn't been for the 1 hour
I just hope they'll return next year or something, and play it then.
What was
really fun was to hear Glenn sing Mistreated for the first time, he
did a great job "emulating" Coverdale. Never been a huge fan
of this song,
but as long as Glenn has had something to do with it, I've always found
something to love about it, so I think his new version is better than
or Coverdale's. Their new swedish band did a great job backing up H
& T, but couldn't hear
any difference between them and the band that played on the HTP - Live
Tokyo CD I bought the same night, which is, maybe, the best Purple related
live album since Made in Japan.
I can't do anything but thank them for doing such a wonderful job. I'm
glad these two people are working together, and I hope they continue
way, because they totally kick ass, and sound better than ever!
A DVD with this band would be nice! *drools*
September 09, Prisma,
Västeras (near Stockholm), Sweden
Legendary rockers hit!
The Prisma was packed when the rock legends Glenn Hughes & Joe Lynn
gave their concert in Vasteras Monday night. There was a success for the
two exmembers of Deep Purple and their swedish band who did a energic
and dynamic show together in front of a standing and more than satisfied
public.The musicians that Hughes and Turner performed with backed their
idols good.
(Idols because of that the singers Glenn and Joe haved been into bands
like Phenomena, Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Yngwie Malmsteen Band and Deep Purple).
The guitarist Jocke Marsh can specificly be named because of his fine
style of playing. This is the same guitarist that Glenn Hughes stole (Glenn's
own words) at a swedish wedding a couple of years ago where he himself
was bestman. That time Marsh played i the houseband. That´s the
way showbusiness works sometimes. Anyway the both singers backup eachother
real good. Above all you could notice that they like to sing together
and they had fun all the time on stage which made the show a hit!
During the concert (the only in Sweden during a month long tour of europe) they performed songs from the HTP album together with Deep Purplesongs like Stormbringer, Highway Storm and Burn (this one was extra estimated by the audience)and the Rainbowsong Mistreated.From the HTP album they performed Can't stop rock'n'roll and Devil's road among others. The surprises during the show where many during the swetty concert. Most awesome was probably the energy and the tempo theese rockers did put into from the start of this almost 2 hour concert. Regarding their age and hardliving rock ´n roll life (especially Glenn) the speed was extra joyable.
The duo gave it all, the band was so tight so all were pleased In the song Highway Star (Deep Purple) the leadsinger Joe Lynn Turner surprisingly played the second guitarpart.
Prisma worked real good as a rockclub now when the chairs were gone. The soundmix could have been a bit better but the musicians were so good live that the spirit was on a high level and the crowd were dancing and singing.
The idols had a very relaxed attitude and communicated good with the crowd by throwing picks and glasses and shaking hands with the crowd from stage. Directcontact as it´s called. It´s all about entertainers with a lot of routine.
If you
have, like Glenn and Joe, performed in front of 300 000 viewers, comparing
with 600 at Prisma this was a piece of cake
I was most impressed by Hughes/Turners tremendous volume in their voices.
There´s still power in them, a couple of the biggest singers in
the rock history.
Sylvia Kadri/VLT
translated by Jan Bengtsson
Last night I did see HTP play at Prisma in Sweden, the show was really
great and Glenn did a great job both singing and play the base. The
band are really tight, but i think glenn was having problem with spotlight
kid but he smiled and played great. Wen glenn was singning mistreated
the audienc just screem,,he was singing soo fxxking good. Highway star
and burn did really lift the roof as the last songs of the concert Best
wishes and thanks for a great show!
Magnus Berglund
17, Planet
Music, Vienna, Austria
First time in Vienna - an evening with Blackmore music
was Glenn's first gig in Vienna - not his first in Austria - and he
enjoyed the evening very much! The time (90 minutes) was too short for
and all the music fans in the hall...he sang and played all the songs
enthusiastically! He
was in really great form - but that's his permanent condition isn't
JLT was also good in his parts - and also great band, especially JJ
Marsh in
his role as the man on the guitar! The
only minus: the top act played too short - too much
guest bands (3) -two were ok but Blind Faith was terrible!
But it was superb too see GH back in Austria. In his solo career he
played here - so we always had to go to Munich.
To Glenn: Hope to see you soo in Austria - maybe next time in Graz (my
hometown) - with JLT or solo!!!
There are so many good songs in both of your careers...a few changes
for the
next tour (maybe The cut runs deep, Fire in the basement instead of
lover and Death alley driver, more songs from HTP...Sister midnight,
On the
ledge oder Fade away)
Set list:
Devil's road
I surrender
Can't stop Rock'n'Roll
Death alley driver
Seventh star
Jealous lover
Better man
King of dreams
Ride the storm
Spotlight kid
Highway star
Michael Kicker
30, JB's, Dudley, England
sum up the JB's appearance of Hughes Turner Project in two words:
Until last night I had never before seen Glenn Hughes perform live, in spite of many attempts to do so. Joe Lynn Turner I had seen with Rainbow, back on the Difficult to Cure Tour. I knew he was good. Glenn Hughes though, is a different kettle of fish entirely.
A few weeks ago, I was listening to a radio interview with Ulrich Roth, talking about Glenn Hughes. He said he'd seen an HTP show in Germany and was blown away by Hughes' voice. I can see why. He said that the most amazing thing was that you suddenly realise that all the things he sings on his CDs, he can do live as well, and with more power than on the recording. This was the thing that blew me away too. Personally, I've only ever seen two other singers who could do that: Chris Farlowe and Al Green. HTP's rendition of Mistreated is nothing short of astonishing and just leaves you standing there, mouth hanging open, astounded not just at the power of Hughes' voice, but at the dynamic range as well.
That is not to say that JLT is weak in the larynx department. Far from it. He can hold his own, no doubt about it, but the beauty of this collaboration is that, whilst they are both singers, they perform in totally different styles. They compliment each other beautifully and do not compete. Even on songs where they both sing, each has his own region to work in and they produce a very impressive sound. Turner has his party pieces too, probably more in number than Hughes, which he performs brilliantly. For me, King of Dreams was probably the high point, by a whisker, from Spotlight Kid and I Surrender but, really, it is just a matter of microns between them. It all added up to form a beautifully balanced, well thought-out show.
The songs which Hughes and Turner perform together are outstanding and are so powerful that it there should be a warning on the door to the wearers of wicked syrups. It is quite possible that you could quite easily lose your toupé at an HTP show.
The new HTP material is most enjoyable and as strong as anything else in the set, but it is with the Deep Purple songs that the roof really started to creak and peel back. Mistreated loosened all of the slates, Stormbringer splintered a few beams and when they launched into Highway Star, the roof definitely lifted several feet. Burn finished the evening off and it was appropriate as HTP had most definitely set the house on fire.
Any complaints? No. I could suggest a few songs that I would have loved to have heard, such as some of the Hughes Thrall material, Can't Happen Here, Into the Void, but between them they could come up with a setlist that lasted two days and they would still miss out something that someone wanted to hear. I got my money's worth and then some. If HTP come to a town near you, to use one of Glenn's song titles, Beg, Borrow or Steal, but go and see them. If you don't you'll miss out on one of the classic rock gigs of the year.
Mark L. Potts
The God of Thunder
October 2002