[July 3, 2000]
Here is a message from Glenn.
"Hi Everyone! This has been a busy week with the release of Crystal Karma, interviews and Christmas CD production. The songs I have selected for the Christmas CD are songs that I sang as a boy. They have special meaning to me, and it gives me great pleasure to sing them. We are in post production of the "Avalon" video, and "The Making Of". This is the finest work on film that I have done in years and I would like to thank Jim LaRocca & Ricochet Films and all the cast & crew who made me look so good! I am working on many things at the moment that I can not reveal until they are confirmed. All of these projects are with you in mind: my goal is for you to see more of the Funkmeister. This week Gabi heard "Play Me Out" and has had it in her car ever since. She thinks that if you're a Glenn Hughes fan and you do not own this, your library is not complete. She said she had to pull her car over to the side of the road and get out to do a dance. A high recommendation, if I do say so myself. It has been a sin that I have not played live as much as I would like to. I am working on resolving this issue; I am dying to play ALL countries. (Yes, that means YOUR country!) Once again, thanks for your fantastic reviews on "Crystal Karma". Thank you for the gift that you have given me. Happy July 4th from The English Geezer in LA"
Yours Truly,
The (Fun)k Pontiff"
[ Another great place where you can check out loads of pix & video of Glenn's tours is in the Picture Gallery ]