A couple of new Black Country Communion interviews with Glenn have recently been made available… 😎
“I’ll put this album toe to toe with a Who album or Zeppelin album though that might come across as being arrogant but dammit I’ve sold a lot of records man, I’ve been around for a lot of years and I said to Joe, I said man, you could be my son but I said “Joe, there are a few sure things in life and this is one of them.”
“I have so much music inside me, and as long as I’m compelled to make music I shall do so..the voice is in great shape, and physically I can still pull it off..I think I’ll know when the time has come, but right now, how I feel and write, that day is a long way off..the energy from BCC has really invigorated me. There’s plenty left in the tank.”
“The future because the past has gone for me. I’m not one to relive it, not one for nostalgialise. I am one of the artists in rock that pushes the boat out every year. A bit of a chameleon and I like to challenge myself and I’ve gone back to my roots. I’ve gone back to the voice of rock kind of thing.”
(scroll half-way down page – also includes some words on BCC from Joe Bonamassa)