If you're an aspiring guitarist, you can't go wrong by learning from the best! Here you will find a variety of songs from Glenn's vast catalogue to practice with and they should keep you busy for a while! Or perhaps you're a member of a band, who want to include a song or two in your set? Some of these should help you out! Just let us know which one's you ended up playing live!

Play Me Out
Seventh Star - Black Sabbath
L.A. Blues Authority
Face The Truth - John Norum
Vox Humana - Geoff Downes
Live And Learn - Brazen Abbot
From Now On...
Burning Japan Live
The Way It Is
Incense And Peaches
Return Of Crystal Karma
Voodoo Hill
Building The Machine
HTP - Hughes Turner Project
HTP 2 - Hughes Turner Project
Songs In The Key Of Rock
Soulfully Live In The City Of Angels
Michael Men Project - Made In Moscow
Soul Mover
Music For The Divine